Equity Pursuits Tools Will Help You:
- Disaggregate Data to Identify Local Inequities
- Understand Root Causes to Local Inequities
- Design Strategies and Take Action to Promote Equity
- Help Organizations in Taking Action to Promote Equity
- Support Organizations in Taking Action to Promote Equity
- Talk about Importance of Pursuing Equity
Effective Convening Tools Will Help you:
- Develop an Effective Backbone Organization
- Develop Effective Leaders
- Create an Inclusive Setting
- Build Capacity for Shared Leadership
- Assess and Strengthen Initiative Communication Practices
- Embed Effective Communication within Meeting Processes
Shared Vision and Goals Tools Will Help You:
- Design and Launch a Shared Visioning Process
- Embed Equity into the Shared Visioning Process
- Talk with Others about the Shared Vision
- Develop Skills to Talk About Equity
- Help Organizations Explore Opportunities to Embed Vision
- Build Awareness and A Call to Action
Engaged Diverse Partners Tools Will Help You:
- Identify and Recruit Diverse Partners
- Create Opportunities for Active Engagement
- Develop a Clear Action Plan
- Coordinate Multiple Efforts
- Support Initiative Members in Taking Leadership Roles
- Support Community Leadership Development
- Provide Change Agent Opportunities
Aligned Systems Tools Will Help You:
- Design a System Scan
- Gather Information from Diverse Perspectives and Sources
- Make Sense of System Scan Information
- Develop a Shared Agenda
- Design Powerful Strategies to Purse Shared Vision
- Initiate Action
- Support Effective Implementation
- Pursue Sustainable Funding Sources
Adaptive Learning and Improvement Processes Tools Will Help You:
Equity Pursuits
Equity is when everyone has a fair and just opportunity for health and wellbeing (Braveman et al., 2017). Effective change efforts address barriers to health equity and put conditions in place to ensure diverse community residents have equitable experiences, benefits, and health possibilities – from birth to the end of life (Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2014).
Equity Pursuits involves putting the following elements in place over time (Foster-Fishman et al., 2018):
Why is this important? We can no longer afford to ignore the growing disparities in health outcomes across different groups of people in our communities (RWJF, 2016). If disparities and their system root causes are not uncovered, understood, and addressed directly, strategies used to improve population health outcomes can inadvertently lead to greater inequities and undermine targeted goals (Solar & Irwin, 2010).