Effective Convening Tools Will Help you:
- Develop an Effective Backbone Organization
- Develop Effective Leaders
- Create an Inclusive Setting
- Build Capacity for Shared Leadership
- Assess and Strengthen Initiative Communication Practices
- Embed Effective Communication within Meeting Processes
Shared Vision and Goals Tools Will Help You:
- Design and Launch a Shared Visioning Process
- Embed Equity into the Shared Visioning Process
- Talk with Others about the Shared Vision
- Develop Skills to Talk About Equity
- Help Organizations Explore Opportunities to Embed Vision
- Build Awareness and A Call to Action
Engaged Diverse Partners Tools Will Help You:
- Identify and Recruit Diverse Partners
- Create Opportunities for Active Engagement
- Develop a Clear Action Plan
- Coordinate Multiple Efforts
- Support Initiative Members in Taking Leadership Roles
- Support Community Leadership Development
- Provide Change Agent Opportunities
Aligned Systems Tools Will Help You:
- Design a System Scan
- Gather Information from Diverse Perspectives and Sources
- Make Sense of System Scan Information
- Develop a Shared Agenda
- Design Powerful Strategies to Purse Shared Vision
- Initiate Action
- Support Effective Implementation
- Pursue Sustainable Funding Sources
Adaptive Learning and Improvement Processes Tools Will Help You:
- Define and Measure Shared Outcomes
- Gather Rapid Feedback on Change Efforts
- Respond to Emerging Needs and Opportunities
- Support Organizational Learning and Improvement
- Promote New Expectations and Incentives
Equity Pursuits Tools Will Help You:
Tools At Your Fingertips
Printable resources
Source: ABLe Change
Change Agent Field Guide. Practical tools and ideas for how organizations and groups can bring systems change practices into their work
BBO Field Guide. Step by step processes, tools, and examples for backbone organizations supporting local collaboratives in pursuit of collective impact outcomes.
ABLe Pocket Guide. High-level summary of the 8 step ABLe Change process for community systems change.
ABLe Change Agent Practices: Tools Summary of tools to help individuals become change agents for community systems change. A simple self-assessment identifies areas for further learning and links to tools to support change efforts.
ABLe Change Process: Tools Summary of tools to support the ABLe Change process for community systems change
Updates by Email
The System exChange is a bi-monthly resource full of cutting edge tools and ideas to help change agents, just like you, transform their local community. Subscribe to receive it directly in your inbox!
Check out previous issues of The System exChange:
Shared Vision and Goals
Authentic Engagement
Aligned Systems
Action Learning
Powerful Strategies:
- Leverage Points
- System Alignment
- Equity
- Disrupt the Status Quo
- Saturate the Community
- Tackle Multiple Outcomes
Moving to Action
- Move to action with Quick Wins
- Move beyond data paralysis
- Help people see their role in change
- Reduce ambiquity
- Provide behind the scenes support
- Create a culture of mutual accountability
Equity Pursuits
The ABLe Change YouTube Channel is home to succinct, original videos that explain key community systems change concepts and practices. Subscribe to be notified when new videos are released.
Video Series Include: